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Topics - timo4352

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Punderson 1/7/17
« on: January 07, 2017, 06:31:27 PM »
Checked out Punderson today. There were 3 guys on the ice near the marina.
Nobody else or signs of anybody on the rest of the lake.
Those 3 guys came in after a short while. They said the ice was a little sketchy and were no longer going to risk it.
They said some spots were 3-1/2 to 4 inches, an some only 2.
I did not go out. Got to try out my new spud bar and ice suit though.

Welcome to IceFishOhio / New member in Mentor
« on: December 22, 2016, 06:42:12 PM »
Hi Everybody.
My name is Tim and I live in Mentor - about 30 minutes eat of Cleveland.
I have not been on the ice for something close to 30 years, since I was a teenager. Got the itch to try it again so I have been gearing up and reading up all I can. Got some buddies from work fired up about it too. We are all looking forward to it. We are all a bit older now so I bought a pop-up shelter to get us out of the wind. A hand auger and a bunch of other goodies, including some safety gear.
Hoping to learn a few things from you all, and maybe even be able to contribute something worthwhile here and there as well. I'll surely be checking in for the latest ice condition reports - and fishing reports too! I hope we get some good ice this year so we can get some use out of the new toys. It seems we don't usually get a whole lot of ice some years.
Anyhow thanks for letting me join in with you all here.
(praying for ice now)

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