Ice Fish Ohio Forum

Alum Dock Tournaments => Alum Creek Dock Tournaments => Topic started by: ratherbefishing on December 07, 2021, 09:59:04 PM

Title: Preseason Dock Tournament #4 CJ Brown Marina
Post by: ratherbefishing on December 07, 2021, 09:59:04 PM
Let us know if you plan to participate at the next stop of our pre-season dock tournament series at CJ Brown Marina this Saturday from 8am-2pm.
*This helps me to ballpark just how much promotional material and giveaway items to bring.

Tournament Directors:
Ryan Kerns (937-594-1604)
Nathan Boldman
Registration Location:
CJ Brown Marina or
Leen's on Rt. 4
8:00 am to 2:00 PM
Tournament #4- December 11th @ CJ Brown Marina (Register at Leen's before 7:30am, or at the Marina between 7:30am and 8:00am)

Tournaments will continue in this weekly fashion if the season is too mild for local ice. We will always give as much notice as possible for tournament dates, locations and times.

See you at the Docks!
#icefishohio #slabgrabberlife #NastyNatesBaits #clambleedblue #vexilarfishing