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Messages - wapak ice dawg

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General Discussion / fishing license
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:02:24 AM »
It's almost time to buy our 2010 fishing license, you know what I think is crazy, you go to the bait stores all around Indy you buy a pole ,bait some jigs and all the other gadgets they have , now all you need is to get your new license to hit the water,but noooo not any bait store sells a license, you have to go to the hardware store in Lakeview to buy 1. I know I heard all the reasons, state makes them buy the machine , the dint sell enough license to cover the cost, something aint right ,St.Marys bait stores sell them and heck you cant find a guy on the ice anywhere on that lake anymore. It's only bit me in the butt once my daughter and I headed to the lake early on a sunday morning bought everything she needed to go out but we couldn't find a place open to get her legal. I was almost to the point of going out on ice without, but I decided to drive to Bellefountaine and get one.

General Discussion / Mud Island?
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:42:30 AM »
I looked all over the map somebody please tell mere where mud Island is at.

Indian Lake / hot spots?
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:31:30 AM »
I get to go out this weekend we finally got some time off, I haven't hit the hard water in a while so I'm asking for a little help on where the saugeyes have been hanging out. I gotta work Friday night so I wont be able to hit the ice til 10am Sat or so, I know its not the best time for eye fishing so I was gonna hit a few pan fish spots then go after the eyes in the evening. Any info would be helpful, the last time I was out the water was muddy and I never marked a fish in the places I went.

Indian Lake / Re: harassed !!!!
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:15:20 AM »
Believe me fellas it took a whole bunch of coolness on my part not to get into a physical altercation with these idiots,but remember I had 2 girls with me 1 18 and the other was 9, what kind of example would I have set for my kids if I would have busted at least 1 of them in the mouth. I just considered the source counted my losses and moved on, we still had a great day and we still ice fish together just not Indian and especially on the weekends when these type of people come in hoards. We all have been around some jerks on the ice , in boats and other places in life it's just an unfortunate situation that I needed to walk from. With all being said I have met a great bunch of guys from this web site on the ice and only wished I could fish more often with some of you, I really don't mind fishing close together on the ice for saugeye but crappie and blue gill are a little different.

General Discussion / Re: Idle Time from fishing
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:03:09 AM »
I was there that day and I dont think I've ever seen that in my entire life of ice fishing , although I didn't go to her dock and get any of the cookies I thought that was awsome. Plus thats where I met Dave and he gave me his card to this web site and I can say that I've never went back to the other Indian Lake ice fishing site.

Indian Lake / Re: harassed !!!!
« on: February 10, 2010, 04:21:39 AM »
I took my daughters to north fork last year , we fished up the river and were on the crappies pretty good, I noticed 4 guys watching us from the normal saugeye spots, within a half hour I saw them packing up and heading our way. There were 2-3 other guys fishing a little ways up from us. I told my kids to try not catch a fish knowing these guys would stop by us if they did. Sho nogh they not only stopped but they drilled holes (with power auger) nearly 2feet from my 18yr old daughters spot. We had a good number of fish and weren't keeping all the crappies we caught but the idea of them drilling so close pissed me off. Within a few minutes they started catching them and we lost our bite, then the cussing started and these idiots started talking about blow jobs and screwing women, I told the jerks to stop and that my kids didn't need to here the crap, well that went over real good and lasted only a few minutes. I had no choice but to leave the area and try somewhere else. That trip left a bad taste in my mouth with those idiots and have since stop taking my girls to Indian Lake to ice fish, they remember the good time they had catching all those crappies and want to go back, I just haven't had the guts to take them back there for fear of running into more dumb asses on the ice. Needless to say when those guys finally left that area they left small fish on the ice along with propane bottles and other trash, I have since seen these same guys fishing and this seems to be their practice to fish on top of others who are catching em. Great sportmans of the hard water.

General Discussion / Idle Time from fishing
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:40:06 AM »
We all are dealing with this snow in some way shape or form but after talking to one of my friends who live  on Long Island I think its time for us to slow down on the fishing until they get a chance to get their area cleaned up from the snow. I know I don't like it when the neighbor parks on the street and the plows go around his truck leaving a pile of snow in front of my house. they feel the same , we should give their plows a chance to push the snow off the roads before we start parking on the sides, Oconners has to be all screwed up I don't know for sure but they have got to be running out of places to push the snow , then on top of that we start parking at the dead end and make it worse for them. We are visitors in this area and we should respect the area or lose the area to park. This is just my thinking and 1 of the reasons I haven't been to the lake.

General Discussion / Re: VEXILAR FL-8 VS HUMMINGBIRD ICE-35
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:29:11 PM »
the vex I 've been ice fishing since the early 80's I've used several different types of fish finders from the quad cam, to the hummerbirds portable fish finders , in the early years battery life was the main issue but now vexilar has solved most of the icefishermans problem. the only thing we lack is how to get those tight lipped fish to bite. Maybe vex will come out with a fl-21 used to shock the fish. JUST KIDDING

General Discussion / More snow on the way
« on: February 07, 2010, 02:29:44 PM »
You can call me a liar ,stupid  or just a plain old dumb ass but I was cleaning up the rest of the snow in front of my house when the neighbor asked me if I've sen the latest weather forecast. Now he teaches science at Spencerville and is always on top of the weather systems and always tells me whats coming. I told him I hadn't looked so he gave me the bad news, we have the potential of getting up to an additional 16" of snow by Wednesday with the very least 7 more. If you want  to see for yourself go to and look around for yourself. Looks like icefishing is going to take a back seat again for me. :(

Indian Lake / results from friday
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:39:34 AM »
got to the lake @6:30 am fished north fork got 1 dink eye, left by 9 went over to the bridge @Li area, crappies hit my vib but I couldnt land em switched to crappie rods and nothing, fished there til noon or so, went up the road a bit and tried both sides of the road , nothing notta didnt even mark a fish. Talked to a guy who lives on LI and he and his neighbor fish everyday said the fish moved out or quit bitting last Sat, he said they've picked up a crappie here and there but no steady place or bite. I left LI area and fished several more areas and notta didn't even mark em. Wasgonna hit it again sat but I think I'll wait da snow might be a wee bit too deep for me and da ice may not be so hot with all da snow on top. Good Luck all and if you're on them and you dont mind throwing a crumb or 2 my way I'd appreciate it.

Indian Lake / Ice conditions on sat 1/30/10
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:05:41 PM »
I did the dirty work today and drove all around Indian 2day. Blackhawk/Lucy's hole had good ice fished there 4hrs had a few little gills/ 2 hits on a vib out front of B.H but no fish/ Moundwood was iced over but couldn't get on ,maybe 1-2inches at most. Cranberries saw 1 guy out there I dont know how he got out cause the edges were junk. Long Island you can get on the south side where the water comes close to the road on both sides,north side was junk by the road. There are  or was a bunch of guys parked by the bridge , I did real good on the crappies on the south side , herd they were getting gills on the north side of the road but the edges were still a little junkie. I went back to the south side today I got there too late and probally left too early I only had a few crappies but they were nice ones. Oconners/ North fork I saw 5 or so guys out there but stay away from the mouth of North Fork ,if you park @ the dead end be very very careful looks like its only skimmed over with 1-2 at most.I hit a few other places I dont know the right name but I call one of them gerominos camp site, I went back there for an hour or so , water was very cloudy ice was okay at best. No fish though.Gonna go back Sunday I will probally hit LI on the south side down by the bridge pink and yellow seem to be the best Friday, I will bring my shanty tomorrow the wind was a little stiff today. good luck and be careful ,just because you see somebody out there doesnt make it safe.Good thing no sleds on the ice where I was at.

General Discussion / Re: worms in fish
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:27:08 PM »
 I belong to a club in wapak and we also had a real bad problem with worms in the fish, the odnr came in and told us ours came from a snail we have in our lakes.The small fish eat the snail which carries this worm and through the chain of being ate they pass it on from fish to fish. they told us the way to get rid of the snail was to stock red eared blue gill in the lakes and in years ahead they will eventually eat all the snails and stop the cycle. its been 5yrs now since we've stocked the red ears and it seems to have helped.They also told us the worm is not harmful to humans because it doesnt get into the meat, it just makes for a nasty looking fish.

Indian Lake / Re: SKUNKED
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:53:11 PM »
 I got my limit mon from around 6:30 am - 7:30 am, if you get there @ 8 your late and if you leave b4 5pm you left too early. This is a typical year for the bite, once the creeks and rivers freeze hard and the incoming water slows, so does the bite, when it warms a bit for a couple of days and we get new water moving under the ice ,look out the bite should really take off.When I got my limit mon. I walked around afterwards talked to several guys I only saw 1 other fish, could've been the vex, the bait or maybe just the right spot, i fished righ on the break 5fow in 1 hole and 8 in the other.

Lake Loramie State Park / skunked
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:40:30 PM »
went to loramie tues morn, got there @6am fished till 9am never had a bump or even marked a fish. Saw a few guys on the east end but I never bothered to stop

Indian Lake / huge saugeye
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:37:56 PM »
 somebody had to see those 10-11lb eyes posted here, I cant find the pics somebody please tell me where to look. Thanks

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