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Topics - Riffle12

Pages: 1
Mogadore Reservoir / Ice Cold Cash Series Results!
« on: February 07, 2015, 10:49:34 PM »
Mogadore took some big weight to win!

 1st place: Jarod & Jessie with a 11.26lb bag!
 Also won big fish with a 3.81lb catfish!

 2nd place: Matt & Brandon with a 3.67lb bag!

 3rd place: John and John with a 2.75lb bag!

 Congrats to Jarod and Jessie for the win!

Portage Lakes / Ice cold cash portage tournament
« on: February 05, 2015, 12:43:57 AM »
Ok guys here we go. With the ice willing here is the schedule:
 2/1 Mogadore Reservoir (Lansinger Rd Ramp)
 2/14 Portage Lakes (New State Park Ramp)
 2/21 Championship: TBA

$40 per team of 2 people. $5 goes to the championship and $5 to big fish
 100% Pay Back!
 Check in will be at 5:30am and take off will be at 6am. Weigh in at 1pm

 Each team may use 1 tip-up. (This includes jaw jackers)
 Best 5 fish of any species can be weighed BESIDES BASS. Bass must be released immediately!
 FROZEN FISH WILL NOT BE WEIGHED! So bring a cooler or bucket.
 You must fish at least one tournament to fish the championship

Any questions or suggestions are appreciated! PM Me and I would be happy to answer it!
 Please give me a head count ASAP so I know who is coming. You may show up the morning of the tournament also but a heads up would be great!

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