Ice Fish Ohio Forum

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Messages - bontron3

Pages: 1
HI .. I am new to all of this, I am 34 and my boyfriend took me out on an inland lake in Michigan just to see if I liked it. I caught a 4 inch perch, pathetic but I was hooked. I purchased my Ohio License and went out on Lake Erie for first time in Jan. 2014, I got a hit and miss, the first day,.. well I kept saying Im waiting for the biggest fish, so the next day we went out and I caught my first fish on a blue and silver ratlin flyer with one minnow. Oh and its being mounted. The fish is almost 32" AND 11.25 LBS, I know its not as huge as it could be, but my first walleye is the biggest one my boyfriend and my dad has ever seen in person. So proud and I loved every moment I am out there fishing.. I am at peace that many people don't understand.

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