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Messages - esox

Pages: 1
Pro's Pointers / Re: I Need Help Finding Perch
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:26:07 AM »
Search under Joe Balog perch vids. Schedule a trip to Lk. St.Clair and fish as you learned from the vids. Catch perch out the yinyang. The bead spoon tech can work inland but the water needs to be clear. Plus it's best to cut about a zillion holes.

Nimisila / Re: fished
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:33:53 AM »
When perch fishing it's vital to keep moving and the first drop is the most important. If there are any bigger fish within eyeshot of your bait, that's when your most likely to catch them.
 When targeting perch I'll seldom fish the same hole much longer than 5 minutes and usually closer to 2-3 minutes.
 You don't have to move far, maybe only 15-20 ft., but move you must. It's not uncommon for me to cut 100 holes. If fishing a daylight to dark full dresser, I might cut twice that many holes.
  If the water is clear, bead spoons can work well. No bait needed.
I usually use 1 lb. Suffix.
  If the ice is clear, the perch can be very spooky.

Welcome to IceFishOhio / newb, please read/important
« on: January 31, 2015, 11:25:25 PM »
  Been fishing the b.o.w.'s, (bodies of water), in neo for a good 5 decades.
Not surprisingly, the quality of fishing in size and numbers is a shadow of what it once was, especially the pans.  For example, I could fish Pyma or Mosquito and keep 100-150 crappies 11 inches and up while releasing that many or more smaller fish. That's right, if the fish was under 11 it would go back down the hole. There were countless fish over the years in the 10.5, 10 3/4, inch range that were released as 11 inches was my personal size limit. I figured the 11-12 inch plus fish, (a 12 and up being a true slab), were the oldest fish and the life span nearly maxed.
  These days, (and actually for quite a long time), 8 and 9 inch fish are deemed slabs and killed. Not to mention the huge numbers of smaller fish that are killed. The slaughter of smaller 4-8 inch fish is appalling. Mogadore is an excellent example, a place where virtually every fish is killed regardless of size as there is no size /bag limit. Same with gills.
  Unlimited catch and kill combined with the algae blooms can and does finish a b.o.w. Just take a look at Wingfoot. The weeds are nearly gone and have been replaced with worthless stringy algae. Weeds are vital to a good fishery. For every ton of fish, 2-3 tons of insects are needed to maintain a good, viable fishery. Weed eradication efforts are decidedly counterproductive as weeds are needed to maintain a healthy insect forage base as well as rearing and foraging areas for the young of the year/1-3 year old fish that absolutely need the insects as forage until large enough to eat other fish. Once the photozone, (depth of light penetration), is reduced via algae blooms, the weed growth is diminished as the weeds will only grow to the depth of the photozone. There was a time when Mogadore was covered with weed mats that extended 10-12 feet to the bottom. Now it's closer to 4-6 ft. or so due to algae bloom. The fishery is more of a green algae/gizzard shad/bass food chain as opposed to an insect/crustacean/sunfish, bluegill/bass food chain due to the reduction of the photozone/weed growth via algae bloom accelerated by agri. fertilizer, livestock/cesspool runoff.
  This and other forums should encourage the D.O.W. to halt all weed eradication programs such as grass carp and chemical methods and do what it can to minimize nutrient runoff.
  And hey D.O.W., how about a size and bag limit at the urban b.o.w.'s such as Mog. Wingfoot, and LaDue just as there are at Mosquito and the Mahoning river impoundments for example.
   I propose a statewide mixed bag limit of 50 fish per day with no more than thirty fish of any one species. Crappies/perch must be 9 inches or longer and 'gills at least 7 inches or longer and maybe a slot limit for the 'gills.
  Is this to restrictive? How about some thoughts/opinions on the issues.
  Good to be here and perhaps I'll see you on the ice.

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