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Messages - steelneyes

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Kiser Lake State Park / Re: Kiser Lake Ice
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:56:19 PM »
Welcome to icefishohio where you can always post from the future.   It cures shoulda been here yesterday. ;D

General Discussion / Re: Lites for night bite crappie ?
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:04:42 PM »
Personal experience on the ice is to try with and without, I have a submersible light that looks like an aquarium heater, some nights it helps, other nights I turn it off and the bite improves.  Like others said, in shallow water, the lantern seems to be enough.  I always carry it just in case.

General Discussion / Re: My bull bluegill
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:58:21 PM »
That's a monster, especially for Ohio.  I know many guys who only panfish all year and none of them have come close to that.  Great to know that we have fish that big in our public waters.

General Discussion / Re: let it rain
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:54:57 PM »
I 2nd that motion, knock this snow down so we can get a solid 6" everywhere finally.

General Discussion / Re: 26 inch rainbow fish ohio online tournament ????
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:53:02 PM »
Great fish, and great start to your ice year!
That's a huge stocker rainbow.  Mike must have invested in some brood fish for the metroparks.  Also send a picture to him and they will post it on the Metroparks blog.  Helps him get more funding for more fish in the future.  PM me if you need more info.
We were out many years ago fishing Steelhead through the ice at Edgewater Marina, had 14" of ice underneath us there that year.  I watched a guy pull a 30" 10 lb. steelie after a 30 min fight.  The rainbows are quite at home in cold water and fight forever.

Shanty Help / Re: Frabill Trekker DLX, front bar does not sit on ice?
« on: January 05, 2014, 10:42:43 AM »
Thanks for the additinal replies.  I think you guys are right in that the tent material is too far down in back, it looks like I need more canvas in back and that is where it gets tightened first when extending the poles.  I have been working on all my gear and had to do some patches which I got done this week.  Today is my sled buildout since I find the Trekker plows snow very badly sometimes and it looks like there will be plenty of it.  I do not remove the tent for storage, hence the chipmunk damage, but last year wrapped it in a tarp after a good cleaning with a few mothballs and some charcoal inside in a storage container with airholes poked in it.  My buddy I share the shanty with did the original assembly so I could blame him but he did stay up all night doing it by himself the night before a Chautauqua trip ;D

Portage Lakes / Re: portage lakes
« on: December 30, 2013, 08:09:44 AM »
Okay in that he didn't fall through 3" staying close by shore.  I'm sure its not anything you could try to get on now. 

Lake Erie / Re: Lake Erie is locking up
« on: December 30, 2013, 08:01:38 AM »
Awesome info. thanks for the pics.  Now if we could just outfit your plane  with a probe that could measure thickness and maybe some sonar to scan likely areas...  Your plane autopilot must be much more trustworthy than the one on my boat ;D 

Portage Lakes / Re: portage lakes
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:10:45 PM »
Thermos containers sound like a good idea.  All I can say is don't leave the crawlers in the red coffee container in the fridge, nothing worse than my better half getting still practically sleep walking opening it up to take a scoop out.  Had a friend out on OSP today, said it was okay but was afraid to move around at all.

General Discussion / Re: vex charger?
« on: December 24, 2013, 06:32:19 PM »
Cabelas had their ice batteries on sale with charger for $20, they are backordered currently but a heck of a deal.
Otherwise, Harbor freight sells a small battery maintainer that has enough amperage to charge the ice batteries.  Or you can use any small charger just unplug it when it is charged to prevent overcharging if it doesn't have auto shutoff.  I use my boat charger on the 2 amp setting, about 3 hours if the batteries are fully spent. 
Merry Christmas!

General Discussion / Re: vexilars versus regular fish finders
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:53:14 PM »
Some interesting thoughts here.  And I must say, I felt I was missing out 7 or 8 years ago not having a vex, but no longer do.
I have always used my boat sonar with an ice ducer.  In addition to the GPS onboard, my consideration was financial.  If I had an extra $500 to spend would I put it into a flasher that I can only use 2-3 months a year vs. my boat that I am on 9 months out of the year?  I don't doubt the ability of either a flasher or traditional sonar.  And actually, the slowest of all would be a camera.  But as mentioned above, it is milliseconds.
So for me, I took the flasher money and invested it into the structure scan for my boat.  I have used that to now mark spots and find individual stumps and trees that then I can ice fish.  $1000 can buy a lot of sonar these days.  If I lived in MN or upstate MI where they have a 4-5 month ice season, then I may have considered a flasher.  But for the money, if you own a boat as well, you can get 1 really nice unit rather than 2 midline units.

General Discussion / Re: new toy--look how tiny!
« on: December 20, 2013, 10:58:35 PM »
My buddy got last years version, awesome technology!
I did not get a chance to mess with his much but it did tell us we were fishing schools of shad at Ladue last spring.  No wonder they had not interest. 
Has anyone played with it in the open water?  Wondering if it would be useful to get a look at some spring crappie spots.  They are finally compact enough and affordable that I have considered purchasing one. 

  But I am fearing all the new stuff we have all just gotten may be offensive to the ice gods, I am guilty too, just ordered a ton of jigs and plastics from Santa to Me.  At least that's why I told the better half I was watching for his brown truck with an elf to knock on the door ;D

Out Of State Ice Fishing Trips / Re: Chautauqua Lake NY
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:29:13 AM »
Tons of perch that bite anything in the water, been going up there for 6 or 7 years.  I think I've drilled 3 holes where I didn't catch one.  That being said size is tough if you are used to Erie perch.  Big gills and crappie if you can find them.  Mayville is the most popular gill spot.  With the exception of the last 2 years, usually thick ice 12+ inches.  If you are on foot the snow can kill you up there dragging and the slush and water n top can be an issue too, but usually worth it for the fishing.  Feel free to PM if you want any specific details.  And hope it gets solid up there this year.

Will try it tonight!

I have several of the zerust boxes from Flambeau.  Since I store my big Lake Erie cranks in the boxes, I have lots of spare dividers they come with.  The dividers are where the zerust is.  After years of finding rusty stuff from the dew at night, snow, general use, I started putting a few dividers in all my boxes, even loose.  Just opened one of my jig boxes that is perfect and you can see where the water dried out in it.  Now does anyone know how to clean up rusty lures or jigs from prior to my find, or are they pretty much ruined?

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