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Topics - catfishdude84

Pages: 1
Lake Erie / where to go?
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:00:05 AM »
was thinking about hitting Lake Erie to try my hand at ice fishing, any suggestions as where to go? will most likely be on foot with my partner. he suggested sandusky bay. how thick is the ice? is it safe to go out right now?

I have been seeing so many pics of people out ice fishing, catching walleye from Erie and crappie and perch from other places. Kinda makes me wanna get out and give it a try for myself lol.

just curious as to where everyone is gonna go ice fishing at.

General Discussion / Is there any fishable ice yet?
« on: December 30, 2012, 09:08:53 AM »
just wanting to know if there has been any fishable ice spotted yet? if so, where at? as already stated, i am new to ice fishing and unsure of where to go since i dont really wanna be going out on unsafe ice. was thinking of places like willard reservior, killdeer reservior, or some small reserviors or ponds near those areas or near marion.

General Discussion / never been ice fishing before
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:22:27 PM »
Ok, so i am completely new to ice fishing. I know the ice isnt ready to be fished on yet, but hope to see it be ready soon. was considering checking on going sunday or monday, but idk if ice will be ready by then. Any tips or information would be most appreciated.

General Discussion / need help
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:13:42 PM »
ok so im new to the world of ice fishing and i would like to get some professional oppinions on what gear i need to get. i dont have a lot of money to spend, but im willing to spend a little more than i normally would. need help with the hole shibang, baits and lures, what auger to get, and just everything lol. thanks for any help provided.

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