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Topics - Badgerstate36

Pages: 1
Welcome to IceFishOhio / Hello all!
« on: November 15, 2015, 06:28:48 PM »
Hello all.  Just a quick into here: born and raised in southern Wisconsin and spent many, many, many vacations as a kid and a young adult in the northwoods of Wisconsin.
When I lived in Wisconsin, I was big into hunting, fishing and snowmobiling and havent really dont much of any of that since I moved to Ohio 3 years ago.  Well, recently I got the itch to buy a handgun and get into target shooting and along that way I got bit by the outdoors bug again.  I had a full arsenal of ice fishing gear when I lived in Wisconsin but gave most of it to my brother when I moved to Ohio because I didnt think it got cold enough in Ohio for ice fishing.
So, recently I picked up some gear.  Just the basics, really: auger, little sled, jigigng pole and a couple tipups.  Certainly, nothing like I had when I lived in Wisconsin but Im still a little skeptical about ice fishing in Ohio, so Im hesitant to go all out and get a pop up shelter and a Vexilar again until I feel more confident about it.
My plan now it to try to hit up Alum Creek, Indian Lake and Buckeye Lake.  Who knows, maybe I'll even take a day off work and give Lake Erie a shot.

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