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Messages - saugeyemarc

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General Discussion / She'll divorce me yet!!!
« on: January 17, 2013, 09:52:30 PM »
All the sudden after 24 years my wife decides she wants to park her car in the garage.  For 24 years she has said "That garage is your house and this is mine"  For 24 years I've had a fishing section, a woodworking section, a hunting reloading hobby section and a fix what needs to be fixed section.  But this year she bought a brand spanking new car after saying she never would.  I was prepared.  I saw the future.  I knew if she got that space next would come a garden section, a sewing section and pastel colors on the walls.  So I was ready.  I hung my Ice augers without the blade covers on the wall by the garage door.  On the other side were tools all with sharpened blades hung above so grandkids can't get to them, I tell her.    My shanties hang above where a car would be parked and I can't be held responsible if something fell on her car.  Afterall I drive a beat up 97 GMC truck.  It wouldn't be the last thing to fall om my truck.  I could see the look of horror on her face as she walked into the garage after all these years.  I guess I don't have to tell you do I.  My shanties are on the floor at the garage door next to them are augers and ice rods tip-ups and all my ice gear.  It takes up a car space but it's still all mine.....

General Discussion / no ice high water head below the dams.
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:27:18 PM »
If you live anywhere near a flood control dam there is fishing opportunities all winter while waiting for ice to form.  A hand full of jigs twisters and minnows along with a few bladebaits will catch most fish.  If the fish is in the lake you can bet they are also below in the creek coming out of it.  Every year fish wash out of the lakes and during high water those fish go upstream taking advantage of bait being flushed out.  As soon as the water is turned down is the prime time to catch them.  Jig n twister or jig n minnow casted out and upstream and hopped back will usually be productive.  If your lucky enough to have a wall coming out so you can vetically fish then bladebaits and even spoons can become deadly.  Rip both bladebait and spoon up a foot or two then let it settle inches off bottom.  Don't forget the first bend or hole downstream where many of these fish go to rest.  I prefer hard water to soft but some days you take what you can get.

General Discussion / Re: Central Ohio Cabela's opens March 7th
« on: January 13, 2013, 10:50:09 PM »
the big chain stores have their uses like when you need it now.  But mom n pop are the way to go for sure.  I've alway gone back to the local bait shop before I go home to relay any info discovered while on their lakes.  We need to help them get the right info to their customers so we can all catch fish.

General Discussion / Re: New room suggestions
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:04:03 PM »
What I guess I'm really suggesting is one on only techniques. If not a foroum then a section that moderators can copy revelant information to.  When I post I try to explain one or more techniques but would like a section where it could be posted and stay a while.  Moderators should be able to delete repeats and a good base could be built up for newbies and seasoned vets alike.  Most of the new generation coming up tend to look at full articles and go online to research their interests.  Having it all on one website will be a draw to them and thats  where the future of our sport lies.  It's nice to hop around and see what new equipment is out there or how well the bite is at any lake but until you've learned the techniques needed to catch the fish you might as well drop a line in your toliet.  I see many members on this sight post techniques to help each other out and by having a place to keep them would benefit all.

General Discussion / New room suggestions
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:26:23 PM »
Hey Dave thought these might interest readers.  How about a tip page.  And while at it I see alot of newbies that could use a techniques page.  I've quite a few to share but have to do it every year.  I would be nice if there was a place on the sight where myself and others can post our techniques so newbies can gather insight on what to expect before hand and how to approach it and actually have a chance catching fish their first time out. Just an idea.

Indian Lake / Re: Swedish Pimple at Indian Lake?
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:09:18 PM »
Welcome to Indian from one C.J. to another.  Most of what I tell you here works for crappies at C.J. and occasionally the walleyes also.  Bladebaits such as VIBE and the Pulse which should be on the market soon are excellent baits on Indian through the ice and off a boat from October thru April.  Ripping it hard and letting drop to bottom is usually the first approach and works much of the time.  Hopefully you have invested in a good Flasher or camera since you learn more from them that will help down the road.  If hard ripping or jumping the VIBE doesnt attract fish try pulling the bait up jiust fast enough to feel a small vibration then let it settle 3-6 inches from bottom.  Don't move it for a few seconds wiggle it real quick let settle again and repeat.  Sometimes they only hit on the pause, Sometimes on the drop you'll feel a tap or they'll slam it hard.  This technique also works for the Jigging shad raps and jigging raps.  So far I've had better success with the jigging shad raps over the past three years.  I tip the treble on the raps with spikes for added flavor.  I agree with earlier post that changing color often is a good thing.  Baits with chrome, green and pink, blue or firetiger are usually a good start on a selection of colors to have.  As far as pimples and other spoons they all catch fish and I love to use them with live minnows under tip-ups.  I stick to chrome here the flash brings them in and the minnow wets the appetite. Tip ups also allow you to scout a larger area to see where the fish are going.  Always put an extra hole near your tip=ups so you can get a line close to the recent one a fish comes out of.  These are schooling fish and it pays to fish close to where one has just been caught.

Indian Lake / Saturday Indian
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:25:57 PM »
got out late 8am but still manage a couple on spoon and on spoon/tip=up fish turned on late afternoon on both VIBE and rapala jigging shad raps.  Lift and pause.  Several colors caught fish.  Lost one big pig on a pearl with hand drawn pink stripes.  Would appreciate return of lure if anyone catches lost fish ;D.  Had a great day with P and L.  Had plenty of anglers in sight but had area to oursleves.  Doesn't happen often. 

Indian Lake / Re: Ice is close
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:32:06 PM »
it's about time.  I missed the two day ice last year and I'm starving to yank a few eyes out of a hole...... :o

C.J. Brown / skim ice starting
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:27:52 PM »
Ice has started in the Marina.  So far the marina has been a baby factory.  The big fish have yet to move in.  Still getting some off brush from the bank with tiny minnows.  Hopefully will have safe ice in a week.

C.J. Brown / Re: crappie tourney?
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:28:34 PM »
suppose to be one sunday following thanksgiving.

C.J. Brown / C.J. marina this morning
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:27:38 PM »
felt like being on ice out there today.  could only fish with my back to the wind for the most part.  Nice crappies early size went down as the sun got further up.  Crappie minnows outshined spikes this morning with green being the key color.  fish were top to bottom following a large school of shad.

General Discussion / C.J. Brown's Buck Creek this afternoon
« on: February 04, 2012, 08:35:10 PM »
Had  a blast fishing the dock tourney this morning even if the cold front shut fish down.  Afterwards didn't want to go home so hit the creek for an hour.  Bad weather doesn't effect the rivers like the lake it seems.  [/img]

C.J. Brown / Re: ice started at C.J.
« on: January 21, 2012, 07:26:11 PM »
You want to hope for a shad kill.  If not we are over populated with inch long shad and the fishing isn't as good the following year.  Ice was 2" in the marina today (sat) caught several nice crappies then they were gone.  They all fell to a small jigging shadrap in pink glow.  had one and lost it on structure. oh well. 

C.J. Brown / ice started at C.J.
« on: January 20, 2012, 05:55:13 PM »
After a long morning fishing the lower end of Buck creek for 5 eyes I went to check out the lake for ice.  About 1/2 had skim ice and the marina was froze over.  I couldn't kick a hole on the side of a dock so tomorrow I'll head back with an auger.  Don't know if it will be walking safe or not  but the docks should produce a few. 

C.J. Brown / eyes in snyder park
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:32:23 PM »
Have been catching some nice eyes in the Kyack areas of Snyder park.   Jigs n minnow combo and minnow under bobber have been the ticket.  Double 1/8oz with bannana scent glow bodies w/out tail and large minnow. 

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