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Topics - HardWater Junkie

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WingFoot Lake / 1/19/11
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:59:59 PM »
Im going to head out this evening. Hopefully it wont be like the other evening. I walked out to the 12 between the islands,drilled a couple holes, started marking fish within 5 minutes, caught 1 crappie. Then the screen lit up. a school of crappie from 11 ft to 6 ft.... Then the wife called... Dead battery in her car 45 minutes from me. Packed up all my gear and when I was almost there I realized that we have AAA. O well. Ill be there around 2:30 -3p as long as it doesnt start to rain again.

Mogadore Reservoir / LOST BUCKET
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:36:34 PM »
Somebody lost there bucket coming off the ice today. If its your let me know and Ill get it back to you

Mogadore Reservoir / 1/16/11
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:23:00 AM »
Im going to meet a buddy this afternoon at 3 at the 43 boat house. We are going to fish the channel off the first point west of 43. Its been years since I fished that spot so were going to give it a shot.

WingFoot Lake / 1/11/11
« on: January 11, 2011, 09:00:57 PM »
Only fished from 8 to 12 this morning. I never really got on em today. went to the 15. Found out my auger blades were really dull so only managed to drill 9 holes so I couldnt fish like I wanted to. ended up with 6 crappie and a perch. Lost a monster 2 ft. below my hole. Never got a good look at it but what ever it was it was huge.

WingFoot Lake / 1/10/11
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:11:13 AM »
Didn't get out until 4p. Decided I wanted to catch some gills. I stayed alto closer to shore then what I normally do and caught 6 and 1 crappie. No size to the fish. Largest gill was 6 inch. Fished in 7 - 8 ft off the point going back into the shallow water ramp. caught them on 1/80 oz. jig with gulp alive fish fry and #14 green gill pill and gold diamond jigs.

General Discussion / North East Ohio Get Together at Wingfoot Lake
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:56:09 PM »
We will be having the North East Ohio get together on Saturday February 5Th at Wingfoot Lake State Park. This get together will give everyone in the North East Ohio area a chance to meet and fish this newly opened lake. I will provide Hamburgers and Hotdogs and grill them at the ramp. The meeting place and time will come in the next few days. Please let me know if you can attend and how many people so we can plan for food. If you can help out in any way or bring chips,pop,coffee,etc. it would be greatly appreciated. Hope to see you all there. Thanks

WingFoot Lake / 1/9/11
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:34:15 PM »
Went out for a 3 hrs this evening. Ended up with 39 crappie. All were 8 to 9 inchs. Was fishing in 15 feet water. Fish only suspending to 13 to 10 feet. Caught most on Swedish Pimple. Caught the rest on a 1/80 oz. orange jig with a luma glow berkley gulp alive 1 inch fry. The ice was 7 to 8 good inchs. Ill be back tomorrow with with my big wood sled. Im going to start just out from the Pavillion/Flag pole.

General Discussion / Quality Ice Jigs
« on: January 05, 2011, 11:33:09 PM »
These guys have some awsome panfish jigs. I have almost all there jigs and there all great. The detail in the paint is awsome. Besides a few jigs from Northland and Custom Jigs and Spins they are all I use. check them out for yourself.*ice*jigs*2010
(The link wont work right so you may have to type it in) The user name on ebay is quality*ice*jigs*2010 if you want to go that route

WingFoot Lake / 1/5/2011
« on: January 05, 2011, 11:18:53 PM »
Fished from 3p to 6p. Caught 52 Crappie and bluegill. Surprisingly only 6 were under 8 inch. Also got a 17 inch Bass. I fished in 9 to 11 ft. of water out from the flag pole. All the fish were suspending to 7 to 4 ft. The only thing I could get them to bite was a #8 tiger jig from Quality Ice Jigs tipped with a Berkley Gulp Alive 1 inch fish fry.

Mosquito Creek Reservoir / 1/6/2011
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:43:52 PM »
I'm heading up tomorrow. Wont be able to make it up until around 10. going to fish North of the Causeway walking out from the baitshop. PM me if you want to meet up tomorrow

WingFoot Lake / 1/4/10
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:18:27 AM »
First Im not going to say the ice is safe. The first 3 ft. walking out was broke up but was solid after that. Most of the lake is crystal clear. I hit a couple spots where the ice made me a little leary. Every where I drilled holes I hit at least 5 inchs of clear ice. Im almost sure that all the ice is good and its just my mind playing games. I went to the 15. Fished from 3pm to 6pm. Didnt catch any fish the first hr. I drilled 12 holes until I finally found them. Once I got on them they bit until dark. Ended up carching 40 -50 crappies but none with real size. Tried a few few tied jigs but they didnt want them. All they wanted to eat was a nickel #2 Swedish Pimple. I was tipping it waith maggots but they were hitting it without also. The ice is very slick. Make sure you have cleats. BE SAFE

General Discussion / A Few Good Pics
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:58:33 PM »
My wife took these after a day on Wingfoot. My son loves to play with the fish and play in the minnow bucket.

General Discussion / North East Ohio Get Together
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:07:40 PM »
I would like to put together a get together for us N.E.O. guys. Im thinking towards the end of January or begining of Febuary before the Mosquito tournament. I would like to have it at Wingfoot as it has just been open to the public this year so it would give a lot of guys who havent fished it a reason to. Id like to hear what you all think.

WingFoot Lake / 12/31/10
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:56:44 PM »
We started close to the ramp in the main park at 7a. By 8a we had over 20 crappie. then they shut off. we caught a few straglers in between the islands and out at the 15. They wouldnt hit minnows.  The only thing they seemed to want was a # 2 nickel swedish pimple tipped with maggots. I had to leave at 11 but after I left my buddy caught a nice 20 inch bass.

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