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Messages - networthy

Pages: 1 2
Indian Lake / My honey hole with my buddie.
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:32:06 PM »
Today was my personal best day on the ice.  I have had days where I have caught more fish and bigger fish(Lake Erie walleye), but today I spent it with my 5 year old daughter, and she caught her first Fish "O" bluegill.  We fished from 10:30-3:30, and for the most part had constant action.  At the time that she had the 9"er on we also had fish on two other poles, what a mess but it made our day.  We ended up with 11 keepers between 7 1/2 and 9" before the day was over.  We had a fish around 8" that spit the hook as it got above the ice, when I went to try and catch it before it got below the ice, I bent over and dropped my blackberry right into the hole next to the one that the fish which also disappeared into the freezing cold water.  Even this didn't ruin my day, I would do it any time to be able to experience this all over again.
Hey guys, please take a kid fishing, it will reward both of you.
By the way I was getting ready to call firefish and give him a fishing report when I dropped my phone, so I don't have his number until Tuesday, but my number does work if you want to call.

Soft Water Pictures / Re: Erie
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:48:01 AM »
I would bet those are river fish.

Indian Lake / Re: indian lake troll
« on: April 04, 2010, 02:08:00 PM »
On 4/1, I trolled for about two hours, and pulled 2 16 inchers, I started along the south bank and didn't pull anything.  I then trolled an area that I have a couple of waypoints marked and pulled two within 10 minutes of each.  After that I had to meet the girls for a boat ride, we went to Moundwood, on the way out I decided to cast a couple of times, 25 minutes later my daughter had pulled in 6 around 16 inches. 
Went back on 4/2, fishing had slowed, but managed 6 or 7 in a couple of hours.
All fish were c/r'd. 
Where are the big fish??

Indian Lake / Re: Indian Ice
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:14:41 AM »
I fished with a couple of buddies on Sunday from 3pm until dark.  The fishing was slow until just before dark, then we all pounded the slabs, the action was the best that I have had since last year.  I landed 3 crappie over 10" and threw back several smaller ones and lost 3-4 slabs at the hole.  I would have fished longer, but my line got all tangled up and I couldn't see to retie.  One of my buddies left with 5 crappies between 10 and 12 1/2". 

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