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Messages - goose1

Pages: 1
Lake Erie / Re: bass minnows vs. emerald shiners
« on: February 24, 2014, 08:53:49 PM »
Yea they aren't literally's a large minnow used for ppl that bass fish with live bait I guess. I only use them for perch and saugeye ice fishing, bait stores just call them bass minnows. Looks like nobody really has tried it. Guess I will be the guiny pig this weekend.

Lake Erie / bass minnows vs. emerald shiners
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:35:19 PM »
Has anyone ever had good luck with bass minnows? I am sick of these tiny emeralds these bait stores have. They aren't worth a hoot on tip ups and I also don't like waiting till 6 am to get bait when I could just get bass minnows where I live the night before and be on the lake before sunrise. I know most people say you have to have emeralds bc that's their main food source, but does anyone use bass minnows and have Good luck on erie?

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