Are fuel prices biting you in the butt? I am looking for people in the Darke County area that would like to go fishing and split fuel costs. The price of gas just keeps going up and I don't know about you but, I still want to go fishing! I live in Bradford, just east of Greenville on State Route 36. I do a lot of fishing at Indian Lake, C.J. Brown and Fort Loramie. I like to fish both hard and soft water and really would like to get together with fellow fishermen to compare techniques and just have some fun. I am available just about any time due to the fact that I am presently not employed due to some health issues a couple of years ago. If you are interested please just drop me a line here on the site. I also like to hunt and am available to do that also. I raise Labrador Retrievers and they love to go bird hunting. Just trying to do away with the winter boredom. Thanks, Craig