Talked wit a fellow out on Paradise Sat. evening. He had to plank it to get on good ice, the edges were open water. He said he was sitting on 5-6 inches of ice. Was too windy for me there so I went to Dunns. 1 guy fishing there and not near as windy so I fished Dunns. He said he marked fish all day but no bites. I fished from around 4 til 7 and managed a 22 in. pregnant eye that probably weighed around 4 lbs. Ice was 4 inches or better. Got to Dunns Sun. before daylight and fished all day with Josh and Andy. Marked a lot of fish early and was sporadic after that but they sure didn't bite.During the day Andy caught a small eye, Josh got a small eye, a 15 in. eye and an almost 14 in. pretty and pregnant perch and I got a small bass. Computer dying, will finish later.