Well I got out this weekend.....every day:D!! I went to a samll pond on Fri, started slow but caught about 15 gills kept 8, then got a call from my cousin and his buddy and the three of us hit another pond close to Delaware. Fished for 4 hours and between the three of us we caught around 100 gills alot of small ones but I brought home 17 and his buddy took home 26.
Took my wife out to the small pond sat afternoon and she got her first fish through the ice,then anohter and another!! She smoked me she got 28 to my 16 all big gills all released.
Me and a different buddy went back pre-dawn this morning started catching gills at 630 this morning got alot probably 50 or more he took home 20 with the three biggest going 10.75,9.50,and 9 with the rest in the 7-8.5'' range he had a couple of good runs that he missed that almost claimed his new pole. Was a great weekend to be out and hopefully the ice sticks around for a while