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Topics - Ntoiceman36

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General Discussion / Lake erie get together 2017
« on: February 22, 2017, 10:36:22 AM »
Ok guys talked with the charter company and got some dates available  sat. 4-22 and sat. 4-29. Sundays seem to be pretty much wide open if it would work better for the majority.  We would need to be at the dock by 730 boat leaves at 8 done at 3! If I can get 20 people to commit for sure cost will be $ 33.00 each, private boat for just IFO members and family. Please let me know asap Cuz dates are filling up fast.

Product and Tackle Reviews / MEMBER FEEDBACK
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:53:03 PM »
  Hey guys,  if you can please post about any new tackle or gear you stumble across.  The info shared is really helpful to fellow members or the company. Feel free to write reviews and include all your likes or dislikes. This info can help all parties. Thanks!

General Discussion / LAKE ERIE GET TOGETHER
« on: February 15, 2017, 05:39:57 PM »
  Just wanna throw the idea out because I've already been asked... I am willing to put together another trip for us if I can get enough interest to fill the boat. Hopefully we will have better results and weather!! Let me know.

  well it's official the time has come that I must pull the plug on this year's series. Mother nature just won't cooperate with us! This is so frustrating to see all the hard work and anticipation go for not. Oh well, let's think of next season and get ready for spring.

 At this time due to unsafe ice conditions I am cancelling the tournament scheduled for this Sunday. I plan to reschedule  it if time and weather allow. The remaining events will continue as scheduled.  Thanks for your patience on this matter.

Nimisila / Nimi 1-9-17
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:09:59 PM »
 Fished today by the gas wells on the point off of the big parking lot by the campground. Be safe when you travel out because the main body ice fluctuates from 4" down to 1.5" so use your spud as you walk. Fished in 20 fow caught some perch and hooked one nice bass  but lost him half way out of the hole. Used silver vibe to draw them in then switch to a jigging rap to finish the job.

 It has come to my attention that gas augers are not permitted for use on the lake, so bring hand augers or battery powered only.

General Discussion / Missing administrator
« on: January 08, 2017, 10:37:04 AM »
 Does anyone remember that guy who used to be on the site all the time posting and sharing information about upcoming events and stuff. I think his name was Dave Hoheisel 😉 wonder where's he is or what he's up to. Let's see how long it takes him to respond to this post.😁🙄

Mosquito Creek Reservoir / Mosquito ice report
« on: December 28, 2016, 01:57:46 PM »
 Drove by the Causeway today and lake was still locked up but the ice wasn't in very good shape so I didn't venture out. Also Causeway sporting goods has closed up for a few days until conditions improve.

General Discussion / ICE FISH OHIO FLAGS
« on: December 24, 2016, 10:32:04 AM »
 Hey guys question for ya. What kind of flag are we looking and what size, something like one of those car window mount ones? Or just a flag u can mount wherever let me know as I investigate this further.

General Discussion / Holiday greetings from ice fish ohio
« on: December 23, 2016, 05:46:45 PM »
  I would like to take this time to wish all our members and friends a merry Christmas. This time of year brings back alot of memories of time spent with family and friends,telling stories and sharing jokes. I often reflect back over the years and think about all the people who have touched my life and defined the person that I am today. Sometimes life can be so overwhelming with all the chaos of everyday events that we can get lost in the race. It's nice to take a step back and just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.  And with that my friends Merry Christmas to you and your families, enjoy the time spent together.

General Discussion / ICE FISH OHIO T-SHIRTS
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:11:57 PM »
    Hey guys take a look and tell me what you think! I'm working on pricing for these now and will hope fully have them available soon, I'm thinking of mixing it up with long and short sleeve. Tell me which you prefer. Thanks!

Nimisila / Nimi ice conditions
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:46:27 PM »
  Fished the campground Bay today 12/20/16 ice was 3-4 inches. Not advised to move past the islands, ice thickness drops to less than 2". Caught some nice perch on gold spoons tipped with minnow heads. Also good luck with orange tungsten jigs tipped with waxie. If weather holds most of the lake should be fish able in next few days. Whole lake is locked up and ice was growing all morning.  Might try again tomorrow will post reports if possible.

« on: December 19, 2016, 09:50:43 PM »
  Just a reminder guys to check in on the ice fish ohio facebook page and take a look around. There are some great videos and product reviews Dave posted.

General Discussion / NEW PRODUCT SAMPLE
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:40:28 AM »
   I recently visited the St.Paul ice fishing show and found myself amazed as I searched aisle by aisle at all the new stuff that is available for ice fishing. We have all sat and thought about what if this did this or why doesn't someone make this etc. I have spent many hours on my bucket thinking about ideas but never being able to put them in action. Well for the dreamers that were able to it appears it will pay off well in the end. Here are some examples-

   1. Genie jar- it's basically a clear plastic tube that has a screw on lid on both ends,one end has a inner lip that keeps the bait float from falling out as you fill it with water. Fill it with your favorite minnow and Bam your off and running, it fits right in your pocket, no more carrying a big bulky bait bucket as you hole hop or travel out to check your tip ups.

  2. Venom floats- guys if you pan fish and like to dead stick these won't disappoint!  They are an adjustable foam float that you no longer have to cut to size to adjust your buoyancy. It is a 2 piece float in which the bottom twists up and down the foam float giving you it's varied buoyancy. You don't have to cut the foam so you can use it over and over. They also have some really sweet new tungsten jigs and spoons. Check them out at
   I will try to add to this thread periodically until we start drilling holes, bring on the ice

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